Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Every March or April my allergies kick in and I get a major sinus infection, or the start of one. This year since the weather has been so strange & mild, I did not get one and allergies have been minimal. That is until last Friday when I started feeling off and wound up sick the entire weekend and am still battling a sinus infection. My preferred method of treatment is natural medicine, so I am taking it easy with lots of sleep, qi gong, water, oregano pills, garlic pills, active 15+ manuka honey, green tea, neti pot, reiki, vitamins, and healthy foods. I've been doing Qi Gong for Stress daily and will continue to take it easy until all traces of infection vanish.

I tried another recipe I found on Pinterest;

Pasta with Broccoli & Chickpeas

I doubled the amount of pasta & EVOO, used a red onion & parmesan and added Penzey's Shallot Pepper. Turned out well and is good cold or hot.

Friday, June 1, 2012


Yesterday I did not get a workout in since my husband took the day off so we could have a date day. We spent the day shopping, went out to eat, and checked out a new (to us) park.

Today I started doing Tonique Sculpt Dynamics Arms, but decided to save it for another day, since I have fun weekend plans and whenever I do hardcore arm work that burns (and yes this seemed like killer arm work) it can not only give me DOMS the next day, but migraines and shoulder pain. I know I will be doing alot of walking & photography and want to be pain-free for the weekend.

So instead I did Barefoot Cardio.

*** A few deals I spotted in recent magazines...

*$10 off Zumba Exhilarate on US orders; use codeEXHI-LANL-ZYSU-BM60

*Get Jillian Michaels' cookbook Master Your Metabolism FREE, pay only $4.95 S&H...go to cookbook offer.

Also, I highly recommend Pinterest for recipes, workouts, and all kind of fun stuff! You can check out my boards and follow me HERE. I have three food boards; one for general Vegetarian foods, Veg Burgers, and naughty Sweets.

I recently tried several recipes I happened upon there. Click on the links to go to the original recipes/websites. The first was Taco Pasta.

I doubled the recipe and to make it Vegetarian, I used Fantastic Foods Taco Meat substitute for beef. It was yummy, though probably not all that healthy.

The next was Asian Noodle Salad.

This one I adapted by using only red cabbage and red peppers, and omitting the bean sprouts and sesame oil. I thought this one tasted amazing when just made. Leftover, I did not care for it since the noodles absorbed the oil and it just didn't taste fresh.

Next was the Smashed Chickpea & Avocado Salad Sandwich.

This one I simplified by using only smashed chickpeas and avocado on whole grain bread with baby spinach. I could not believe how much this tasted like tuna salad.
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