Saturday, December 31, 2011

Year End

I'm choosing to look forward instead of looking back. I spent so much of the last year focusing on others, worrying, grieving, and not doing what I should have been and my health reflects that. I want to move forward and rediscover fitness.
I received my Streaming Colors Fitness Journal and my Brazil Butt Lift set and am ready to go!

I am so ready to leave 2011 behind and focus on getting my health and fitness back.
So here is to moving on and getting healthy!
Happy New Year

Monday, December 26, 2011

New workouts

Yay! Received some fitness related gifts this year...

My husband has another week of vacation and we plan on being active and out and about, so I won't be checking in regularly until after the new year.

Happy Holidays!!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Today's Workout

Qi Gong for Healthy Joints and Bones

Friday, December 9, 2011

How it all began

When I was in my teens I began exercising to PBS' Hooked On Aerobics. I saw an infomercial for the original Taebo set and ordered. I saw another informercial for Winsor Pilates, looked it up online and bought it from a company on Ebay called Collage Video. With my order they included a catalog filled with more fitness DVDs and I found previews I could watch online. So shortly after, I ordered from them Christi Taylor's Totally Hot Cardio
- and there began the addiction and I became a Vidiot (what VFers [members of Video Fitness] call those addicted to fitness videos)! Who knew exercise could be FUN, have excellent top 40 music, and dancey steps that seemed like a workout for both your mind and body. I stumbled upon VF via Shape magazine - there was a short article about a website dedicated to home workouts and you could trade your unwanted ones for others. So in early 2003 I joined Video Fitness and have grown a ridiculously large collection of home workouts and equipment. To this day Christi Taylor is still one of my all time favorite instructors and I have a deep love for complex choreography. So that's my story of how I became a Vidiot.

Today's Workouts
Lee Holden's Qi Gong For Stress

Planet Motion - Dance Your Journey

Walk It Out

Thursday, December 8, 2011

I find much joy in movement; walking, dancing, aerobics, step, yoga, qi gong. After suffering an injury, struggling through several rough years, gaining weight, and declining health, I am beginning this blog to document my journey back to better health & fitness. I'll be recording my workouts, sharing healthy recipes, and reviewing fitness DVDs. I welcome your comments, recommendations, and encouragement. Thanks for following along, Sandra

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
~ Confucius
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